Notable work of French poetic realism from the 1930s. Loved the use of windows and mirrors. The contrast between roughness and softness. Many symbolic elements. Famous realistic set of the town - irony of Francois achieving his great fame as a “criminal.” Social commentary through tear gas. Loved the ending with alarm going off as a time indicator.
可以看出我的“国际艺术电影”课教授煞费苦心加入这部电影到课程里的原因就是政治正确之我们有在feel what indigenous people's life is like这部电影充满着拍给“现代殖民者”(包括我在内..)的感觉导演一定在创作过程中不断地拿现代殖民者观众的身份在审视自己和自己的作品零距离加速器这种审视和修正尤其明显但是不得不说导演作为一个没有子宫的雄性动物感受到了“女儿母亲外婆”关系里某种火山一般的力量是蛮厉害的能把这一点讲述得动人就已经足够让人敬佩了